Shaving Foam Art

This is a wonderful messy play and art activity for toddlers, babies and children. It is quick and easy to set up and the shaving foam and paint looks really effective and enticing against the black of the tuff tray.


Set Up

This messy play art activity was really simple to set up. I used my tuff tray and squirted shaving foam at random points on the tray. I then poured different coloured paint on top of the shaving foam. I put out a mix of paint brushes and paint rollers for my toddler to experiment with. If you don’t have paint brushes your little one could just use their hands to mix the paint and shaving foam.

Click here to find out how to set up messy play activity to make it less stressful for myself.

My toddler doesn’t like to touch wet messy play resources and was reluctant at first to come towards the tuff tray. I would never force him to touch something he didn’t want to. Read here why. So I modeled using the paint brushes and paint rollers to mix the colours and shaving foam. My 2 year old was then happy to come over and make tracks and mix everything up together.


Once the colours and the shaving foam had been mixed, it was very blue so I added more paint and together we kept mixing the paint and shaving foam. It was great messy play art activity to talk about the colours we could see.

Such an easy messy play art activity for toddlers, babies and children that we will definitely be doing again.

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