Autumn Loose Parts

Loose parts play is something that both my children enjoy so much. It is the perfect post school activity for my oldest daughter as there are no rules and she is free to do what she wants with the parts. It is such a great activity for developing creativity and imaginative play for toddlers and older children too. What I also love about it is that it is an easy to put together activity that keeps my children busy!

Autumn Loose Parts Play Idea

Set Up

We had recently been offered this old wash bowl and I happily snapped it up as it was so large and beautiful in it’s own way that I thought it would be great for a range of activities with my two children. Inside I put all manor of bits that were either natural autumn objects for example the conkers, leaves and apples. But also included some other parts that were autumnal coloured or I thought might be of interest for them to play with. My eldest M , loves using string in her play so thought I would give her free reign!

When my children saw this autumn loose parts play set up for them F, my youngest went straight for the apples and enjoyed exploring them, looking at the conkers and even talked about the size of them. M, as I had predicted wanted to use the string straight away! I was so impressed with how she went about threading the buttons onto the string as it wasn’t the easiest, as the string was slightly fraying at the end.

Autumn Loose Parts Play for Toddlers
Loose Parts Play Activity Idea

F was happy just looking at all the different parts for so long. She would pick something up, examine it and then put it back again. She was so careful and normally she would simply drop something on the floor once she was finished with it but this time she seemed determined to sort everything back in it’s place. Once M had finished her autumn necklace she started to use the paintbrushes to clean all the natural items. This autumn loose parts play idea is great to leave out over the course of several days as they will often come back to it and play with it in different ways and use parts from it in other play too.

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