Nature Explorer

This is a simple, fun activity for toddlers and older children that encourages them to explore the natural environment around them. The activity is inspired by an episode of ‘Bing!’ I have been really enjoying getting the girls outside as much as possible and this activity also helps with younger toddlers’ colour recognition.

Nature explorer activity for children

Set Up

I used a Thali spice tin, like this one which you can buy here which I have enjoyed using for a variety of activities recently. A muffin tin or just a selection of different pots would work well too. I used colour dot stickers, that I bought here, that I use for a variety of activities. But you could also use coloured paper or use pens and colour in your own dots.

So the idea is that they/we go off and try and find something that could go in each of the different colour pots. With older children or when we repeat this activity it could be that each child chooses one colour at a time to go off and find something that matches the colour. However as it was our first time doing this and F is still quite small it was nice to explore together. It meant that we could talk about what we were finding as we went. F was quite fixated with green and kept finding lots of different green things. M was on a mission! She was determined to find all the different colours.

Toddler exploring nature activity
colour activity for children

To say we got distracted as we were exploring was an understatement. By the end the dish was all but forgotten. However this didn’t matter as what had distracted the small people and also the grown ups was nature. The whole point was to explore nature and that is exactly what we ended up doing. They were loving walking through the long grass, finding beetles and spotting birds. This is something we will do again and again and I look forward to spotting new shades of colours with the girls as the season change. It is such an easy activity, a great way to get outdoors and explore nature around you with toddlers and children.

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