Christmas Playdough

My two old has recently discovered the magic of playdough and using cutters to create different pictures. This Christmas playdough activity for toddlers and children creates a multi sensory Christmas experience as it smells and looks like Christmas.


Set Up

As I wanted the playdough to smell like Christmas, I made my own. It is really easy and uses ingredients that will be in your kitchen. The base of the playdough is 8 tablespoons of plain flour, 2 tablespoons of salt, 60ml of warm water and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The dry ingredients are mixed together in a bowl and the wet ingredients are added into the dry ingredients. Once combined you kneed the dough until it has the consistency you like. To create the cinnamon playdough, I substituted one tablespoon of cinnamon powder for one of the tablespoons of flour. The white playdough is vanilla flavour and I added vanilla extract to the wet ingredients. The orange playdough is orange flavour. I substituted the 60ml of warm water for freshly squeezed orange juice and added orange food colouring to the wet ingredients.

The Christmas cookie cutter are ones that I had in the kitchen cupboard from previous years. Embarrassingly one still had it’s barcode on, so they are getting some use at last.

My two year old was intrigued by this Christmas playdough activity. I modelled what we had to do and rolled out pieces for him to cut out using the cutters. If you are doing this activity with an older child they could roll out themselves.

My toddler was really excited when he created an image which he recognised: “Mummy look Christmas tree.”


And this is what we created.

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