Foam Phonics Fun

This is a no prep required phonics activity that is fun to do with your children at home. It can be easily adapted to’ use for number recognition or colours as well.

Phonics foam letter activity

Set Up

So no set up really required here. We had the foam letters, numbers and shapes as bath toys (like these ones from Amazon) but hadn’t used them for a while. Water and foam letters in the bowl, towel on the floor and it’s ready to go! Easy.

My small people always love playing with water and never need any encourangement if I have an activity that involves water. As soon as M. started sticking the shapes on the window F. followed suit. I didn’t want to give M. any definite instructions as to what I wanted her to do but instead wanted to see what she did. She instantly sorted by colour and after she was finished I asked her if she knew which were sounds and which were numbers and then she instantly went to work. Reorganising into letters and numbers. I was surprised that she didn’t have any trouble recognising the capital versions of the sounds as it isn’t something that we have done much of.


So the small people both enjoyed sticking the shapes onto the window and were actually really great at sharing them and swapping them too. M. found the penguins we had had from a previous activity and wanted them to play with too. The activity changed into a small world activity with the penguins using the foam shapes as swimming floats for their swimming lessons! My little ones were happy playing by themselves with this whilst I had a cheeky cup of tea!