Towers of Junk

So this was such a super activity to get ready and the girls absolutely loved it. They have always both had a penchant for going through the recycling box in our kitchen. They would either empty it out or play with some random but completely fascinating box or bottle they had found. Who needs expensive toys when you have cardboard! It was great for developing turn taking, thinking tactically and spacial awareness.

Recycling toddler activity set up

Set Up

Well there really was no set up here. Apart from to remove any glass, dirt or otherwise dangerous items from the recycling. I just put all our recycling into a large shopper, tipped it onto the grass and hey presto the activity was ready!

I briefly explained the concept; that we would take it in turns to choose an item of recycling and balance it to create a tower. We would do this until it toppled. The girls were keen to start. It all started off very fair and relatively tame. Turns were taken. Everyone was patient. Even when it collapsed they took it well. Brain cells were firing as they carefully chose an item to place and balance. Even F, after she had put something on, would shout her own version of “balance!” She was so proud when she got something to balance. The tower grew taller. However, after a while F decided she no longer liked the items that M was choosing to add to the tower and would swipe them off, whilst saying, “no, no, no.” I found it hilarious. M was not amused. So the game changed and they began to build their own towers.

Junk tower building game toddler activity
Simple fun at home toddler activity construction

They continued happily building their own towers. Of course some of M’s tall towers were just a little too irresistible to F. And she had to be kept at bay until I’d had a chance to take a photo. Everything was used to make the towers. Even my flip flops were used. It was such a great, fun activity to do at home. And so easy. There was so much laughing and learning going on. And at the end we wheeled the recycling bin over, threw everything in and it was all ready for bin day the next day. Another chore done and dusted!

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