This fun and colourful activity is a great way for your mini human to work on their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.

UFO FIne Motor Skills Toddler Activity

Set Up

To do this activity all you will need a plastic colander and different coloured pipe cleaners. I bought our pipe cleaners from HobbyCraft but Amazon also sell them. The colander I had in a kitchen cupboard.

I threaded some of the pipe cleaners into the holes of the colander to show my toddler what he needed to do.

This was a popular activity for my mini human. He was immediately drawn to it when he came downstairs from his nap. He enjoyed pulling the pipe cleaners out, as well as threading them back into the colander.


This activity was left out and he revisited it on several occasions through the afternoon. He very happily played with this independently whilst I got dinner ready and it was quick to tidy up afterwards.

For an older child you could put beads out to thread onto the pipe cleaners.

If you do not have any pipe cleaners at home you can use spaghetti instead. It isn’t as colouful or visually enticing but is just as effective at practicing your child’s fine motor skills and hand and eye coordination.
