The Wool Monsters

This fine motor skill activity for children and toddlers, which is inspired by ‘The Colour Monster’ written by Anna Llenas, is a lovely and relaxing way to explore and talk about the emotions happy and sad.


Set Up

For this activity you will need the monster template from the inside of the activity box, the PVA glue, the blue and yellow cotton yarn, the black crayon and the white felt circles from our May activity box. We added some blue and yellow flowers to continue the colour theme.

We reread how the Colour Monster felt whilst he was happy and sad and then they were off wrapping the cotton yarn around the template.

Whilst my two girls were wrapping we talked about each of the emotions and we discussed situations where we had felt these two respective feelings and how our bodies had reacted; “When I feel sad, I cry. I don’t like feeling sad.”


My two girls love their colour monsters and my eldest exclaimed when they were finished “I get to keep him! He’s so soft.”

We will use their finished wool monster in various other activities to further explore the emotions of happy and sad.