Play Dough Cutlery Skills

This is a very simple but fun activity, that can be done at home, to help develop the skills needed to use a knife and fork. M is starting school in September and one of the things randomly mentioned at the parents’ welcome meeting was that all the children should be using a knife and fork at lunchtime. I was slightly worried. M rarely, if ever uses a knife at mealtime. So we need to get practicing.

Toddler Cutlery Practice Activity

Set Up

This is super easy to get ready. Play dough (Amazon), cutlery and it’s ready to go. I added the sticky notes with numbers on, so that M could chop the play dough into the correct number of pieces. This would be a good activity to practice number recognition and one to one correspondence. I rolled the play dough into snakes so that there was some play dough ready to chop, especially for F.

Both were keen to use the cutlery. M cut one of her snakes into small chunks straight away. F did attempt to use the knife and fork together but found it tricky. So she then turned to her favourite play dough past time; asking Mummy to roll her balls of playdough for her to squash.

Children's Play Dough Activity
Toddler Play Dough Activity Idea

F then took some of the different coloured playdoughs and squashed one on top of the other. It looked very much like a flower. So M decided to create her own flower. F had been watching M and the way M used her knife, so F gave it another go and was surprisingly successful. This was a great activity for working on my toddlers’ motor skills and it was so easy to set up. They had lots of fun learning through their play.