Orange Slice Christmas Decorations

These are very simple Christmas decorations that you can try at home with toddlers and older kids. Everything you need you will either potentially have at home or can be found at your local supermarket. Quick to set up and minimal clearing up make these a stress free DIY Christmas decoration to try with your kids.

Simple DIY Kids Christmas Decorations

Set Up

For this simple DIY Christmas decoration you will need oranges which you will need to cut into 1cm slices. The only other thing you will need is cloves and that’s all your setup done!

My two kids had no idea what they were supposed to do when they saw this DIY Christmas decoration set up. My eldest started by licking the orange slices! Once I told them we were making Christmas decorations and they could make a picture or pattern by pushing the cloves in they got to work. I had visions of how we could create interesting patterns, shapes and letters on the slices but it was difficult to get the cloves in exactly the right place.

Kids DIY Christmas Decoration
Orange Slices Christmas Decorations

Pushing the cloves into the orange slices for these DIY Christmas decoration was such a great fine motor skill work out for my toddler and older daughter. Once we had finished decorating them we put them directly onto the wire oven shelf and left them in the oven at 120 degrees Celsius for roughly 4 hours. The smell that filled the house whilst the decorations were drying was incredible. Once I took them out of the oven we added the string and left them to continue drying out on the kitchen work surface. Apart from putting back any unused cloves there really was no cleaning up to do and these toddler made Christmas decorations will look and smell amazing on the Christmas tree.