Air Dry Clay Hedgehogs

This is a simple way to introduce your children or toddlers to clay craft. This air dry clay craft idea is suitable for toddlers and older children to try at home. My two love playing with play dough and often are upset when they have to squish they creations back into a ball. So I thought we would try this air dry clay idea and I am pleased we did as it was simple, effective and they really enjoyed it.


Set Up

We always really enjoy the “That’s Not My” series of books and when we found this "That’s not my Hedgehog” version at the library it was also a hit. Especially as we had been recently talking about the animals that live in the natural habitats around where we live. I used this air dry clay, which was simple to use and dried out after being left on the side for 24 hours. I also collected some sticks from the garden and chopped some of them into smaller pieces. I would definitely recommend chopping the sticks if you are trying this air dry clay idea with toddlers as they will struggle to cut them themselves.

M had seen the air dry clay in the cupboard and so when she saw it out she was very excited to use it. And when she realised we were going to make hedgehogs she was even more excited. Both my toddlers got stuck in with the air dry clay and started by rolling their clay into a ball. F needed some help with this but enjoyed trying.


When it got to the part to stick the sticks in, they loved it. They were both so proud of their creations. M had to name hers and was desperate for it to dry. After we had created their hedgehogs we had lots of clay left over so we also had a go at making thumb bowls. This clay craft activity is great for improving toddlers’ and children’s motor skills and strengthening their fingers. We had lots of clay left over so have it wrapped up ready for another air dry clay craft activity idea at Christmas with my toddlers!