Building Dens and Eating Popcorn

Inspired by ‘Under the Love Umbrella’ by Davina Bell, this is a beautiful activity to do together as a family on a rainy weekend day. It encourages you all to reconnect, chat and enjoy stories together.

Kids Educational, Eco-Friendly Subscription Activity Boxes

Set Up

My husband very much wanted to be in control of this activity. So together they hunted around the house looking for appropriate materials to create their den. My son also got his tool box out to help with construction!!

Then it was time to make the popcorn. I had put the oil into a ramekin so that my son could make the popcorn himself.

I want to facilitate my son to be as independent as possible but it was really important to explain to my son that the hob and the saucepan get hot and that we need to be careful.

Kids Educational, Eco-Friendly Subscription Activity Boxes
Kids Educational, Eco-Friendly Subscription Activity Boxes

Everyone choose their preferred popcorn topping and then it was back to the den to eat popcorn and read books. A glorious activity for a cold and damp Sunday afternoon and one that we will definitely repeat.