Birthday Cake Card

My two year old and I made this wonderful card recently for my Mum’s birthday. I love it because it’s really simple to set up and my toddler was able to make it by himself. As well as being a wonderful art activity it also enables your toddler to practice their positional language. For example ‘place the candle on top of the cake. Place one candle next to the red candle.’


Set Up

For this activity you will need a piece of white card folded in half, strips of coloured paper; thicker strips for the cake and thinner shorter strips for the candles, Pritt Stick and some yellow paint.

I explained what we were making and gave my son step by step instructions on how to make the card. First my son spread the Pritt Stick on the card. I used Pritt Stick because it is easier for a toddler to spread than PVA glue and the paper doesn’t get soggy. He then placed the strips of card on top of each other to create the card. He positioned the layers of cake exactly where he wanted.

Next he placed the candles on top of the cake and finally we added the flame of the candles. My son isn’t keen on getting paint on his hands, so he used a paint brush but yellow finger painting would work really well.


The finished card made by my two year old.