Tips For Encouraging Children to be Kind to themselves

Our children (like us) need to take care of themselves now and then later when they are adults. If they are kind to themselves now when they are young, it will become a habit which will see them through their teenage years and then onto being an adult.

Being kind to ourselves is important because it can improve both our physical and mental health. Plus, being full of self-love helps us all overcome life’s challenges.

Together draw/write some ideas of what they can do to be kind to themselves and put them in the jar. Encourage and support them to really think about things that fill them up from the inside. Talk about things you’ve noticed to help them start thinking in the right direction. For example ‘I noticed how much you smiled when we danced this morning before school.’

When you notice their love cup is draining, encourage them to pick an idea out of their jar. Over time acts of self-kindness will become their default to challenging times.

Remember this isn’t about what your children ‘should do’ but rather it’s what will make them feel good about themselves.

Here are some of our ways that our children can be kind to themselves and fill up their self-love cups.

Need more help?

Here are our favourite book and activity boxes for your children to explore self-love and positive healthy minds further:

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